Flight of Love


Rainy gate by Noelle

At the Delta gate watching travelers swirl all around me. Each with a life of stories about to lift off to another tale somewhere. I step in with them eagerly.

Wait staff greet me with a smile and deliver a delicious and nourishing breakfast. The manager’s hand warm as he shook mine. I feel his gratitude for someone’s awareness of his gate-side establishment. I imagine many pass this way, never looking twice.

Anonymous in a crowd.
The curse of our societies these days.

Security line a breeze, even as TSA searched my bag, tricked by four pounds of the best Block Island fudge heading to colleagues back home. The delight in a new story of fudge mistaken for C-4 explosives.

Rain pelts the runways and I am filled with an equal force of love passing through me. How fortunate to breathe in this next breath on a rainy Sunday morning, my own next tale unfolding before me on each step. It’s as if the world flows into me unabated and unrestrained.

Such small things to attend to, yet they lift me past my old mind. Lift me aloft on trade-winds that will take me to some new shore. There is a freshness in my mind I wish to deeply savor.

Energy moves down the vessels of each arm, my finger tips tingling. I look at my hands and they almost seem like someone else’s. What good can they do in this life they’ve yet to attempt? Who will I become if I unleash them on everything I touch? How much am I made of a magic so exquisite it floods from me touching ever soul I look upon? What if in this moment I am a force of love that floods this Delta gate, as the Mississippi floods the Louisisana delta?

To step into such love now, as I step onto this plane… Not later in meditation, but now, eyes open, fully wake, completely present, totally in love.

9 thoughts on “Flight of Love

  1. Thank you for sharing your experience today. Your hands, typing these words, touched my soul on the other side of the world – in New Zealand 🙂 May the love continue flowing. Marlies

      • Thank you Noelle, that is very kind of you. Not exactly a current blog, but my reflections on a massive walking journey I undertook early 2016! I have nearly finished turning it into a book with my photos related to the experience in each poem. Very satisfying! 🙂

      • Just to follow up on this message from you Noelle. I have completed the book (just for myself and some friends), but just like you said above, it has “unleashed all of this other creative energy”! I’ve so loved creating the book and being able to hold it in my own two hands was just amazing 🙂
        And now I have decided to continue using my poetrywalking blog to continue sharing some of my poems of how I experience life. Thanks for your encouragement way back in July! ❤ Marlies

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